Hecho Latino
We moved the site from development enviroment to production. Installed Zen Cart. Transferred mySQL database. Created multi-lingual header/css functionality. Installed extensions. CSS design/modification. CSS/PHP/SQL/XHTML
Glutton Creeper
Installed Zencart, Implemented and customized template. CSS/PHP/XHTML
Luomo Vogue
OSCommerce Designed Header Buttons / Template Modification PSD/CSS/XHTML
Dealers Supply Company
OSCommerce Template work. Minor graphic design. Customized PHP Menus. CSS/PHP/XHTML
Designed Concept. Custom Animation. Logo creation. Tied it to Ruby on Rails with contact form. Dynamic XML Portfolio. It is THIS website! Flash/AS/ROR/JS/XHTML/XML
Outloud Opinion Player
Designed And Implemented a popup flash mp3 player to be used with XHTML/PHP generated Ads. XHTML/PHP/AS/FLASH/JS
Vimax Publishing Portfolio
Implemented additional functionality to improve and make their portfolio application more robust and dynamic, and responsive. Flash/AS/XML/JS/XHTML
Baker Principles Animation
Created a custom animation for a Baker College video for iVideo, Inc. Currently not online. Flash/AS/HTML/PSD
Baker College Multimedia CD
Transformed a template for a Student Recuiting CD into a dynamic multimedia CD with multiple dynamic animated menus for movie player selection. Data is retrieved through multiple XML files. Partnered with iVideo, Inc. Currently not Online. Flash/XML/AS/PSD
Took a multi-lingual template and made it into a multimedia demo cd. Partnered with iVideo, Inc. Currently not online. Flash/AS/PSD
Global Auto Lease
Completely redesigned their database driven application to manage their auto mobile quotes, special deals, and showcase cars. Public and Administrative sections of the site. Credit application and contact forms implemented. System dynamically sends emails to administrator. Through Casa3 Solutions. ROR/CSS/JS/AJAX/SQL/XHTML
Designed layout concept and marketing strategy. Installed and customized Joomla CMS. One of the featured clients on WEBENGi.
2020 Entertainment
Originally used a customized Joomla to create an music social network then switched to jamroom and custom functionality was added to make messaging more efficient. PHP/XHTML/CSS
Buddy’s Pizza PSA Contest
Designed layout concept and marketing strategy. Installed and customized Joomla CMS. One of the featured clients on WEBENGi.
Michigan Youth Transition
Customized Template for CMSMS Content Management System, implemented flash slideshow/header.CSS/Flash/AS/JS/XHML